
Divisions U-9 – U-15

U-9 and U-11 will have 4 full time spots while U-13 and U-15 will have 6 full time spots that are filled on a first come first served basis. The spots can be split between two goalies by agreement between the players parents and Shooters Directors. Once the spots are filled goalies may contact Shooters to be put on a spare list or to play in another division (based on skill, maturity level, parental and Shooters Directors agreement).

If a full-time goalie has to miss a game they are responsible to find a back up to cover the game from the list of eligible goalies approved by Shooters 3 on 3 for each Division. Please notify your coach as soon as possible if you are unable to find a replacement goalie. 

Eligible Goalies

To be considered an eligible goalie within Shooters 3 on 3 the goalie or player must be a registered participant within the program during the year of play. Players and goalies not registered within the shooters program during the current year are strictly forbidden from playing and further will not be covered by any type of insurance in the event of injury or death.