Cochrane Shooters 3 on 3 Rules and Regulations
Revised December 2024
Governing Play and Membership
The spirit and intent of the program is to provide a fun and safe atmosphere for the participants to enhance their skills. This program is NOT about winning at all cost. We strive for parity in each division.
(a) All Cochrane Minor Hockey Association (CMHA) rules are in effect unless otherwise stated. All participants must wear all safety equipment including neck gaurds. Failure to do so will result in the player being removed from the ice until the player is properly equipped.
(b) The league directors have final authority concerning all rules, regulations, and membership including, but not limited to, suspensions, expulsions, and removed from the program for any conduct deemed discreditable.
Parents **Must Volunteer**
In order to keep the program costs down we require parents to volunteer within the program. This includes volunteer coaches, assistant coaches, and time/score keepers.
Parents are required to run the score clock as the coaches assign them. Each coach shall coordinate a clock schedule assigning one parent to be in the score-keepers area and run the clock and keep score for each game. Should a parent not be able to keep score and run the clock in the game they are assigned the parent must canvas the other parents to find a replacement and then notify the coach of the newly assigned parent.
Each team shall have a parent assigned to keep score for each game.
Referees will provide assistance and guidance prior to each game to ensure that the clock is set up correctly. The parents assigned (one from each team) will be expected to control the score clock and start and stop the time clock when a penalty is called. The directions for setting up the clock specifically for the Shooters 3 on 3 programs are at each of the time clock areas. Please do not remove the clock set up instructions from the time keeping area.
Parents running the score clock are also encouraged to play music for the duration of the game. The referee will be consulted when setting the volume the music is played at. The music volume can not impinge on the players ability toi hear the ref and the whistle. The referee for each game has the final say in how loud the music is played.
Coaches, Managers
The spirit and intent of the program is to provide a fun and safe atmosphere for the kids and to enhance their skills. This program is NOT about winning at all cost. We would consider a perfect season to be that every team had a record of 9 wins and 9 losses.
(a) Coaches will ensure that there is a parent assigned for each game to run the clock. *Assign parents ASAP, either get a volunteer or make schedule*
(b) Up to (2) two coaches, assistants or trainers may be on the benches. All bench personnel must be a minimum 21 years of age and have a player registered with the league.
(c) Coaches are required to make every effort to ensure EQUAL ICE TIME for all 3 on 3 participants and there is to be absolutely no shortening of the bench at any time.
(d) Opening of the gate to allow players on to the ice must only happen at the sound of the buzzer, not before. Have players enter ice from door closest to your goalie, enter bench at door closest to center ice.
(e) Any bench personnel having been ejected from a game, for any reason, will be automatically suspended for the remainder of the year.
(a) Only registered players with Shooters3on3 on team rosters or waiting list may play.
(b) A team shall be composed of a maximum of 11 skaters and one (1) goalie.
(c) Teams must start the game with a minimum seven (7) players i.e. 6 skaters and a goalie;
(d) Each team will play with three (3) players on the ice, plus a goalie.
(e) It is the responsibility of the goalie to find a replacement in the event that he / she will not make a game as scheduled with preference given to the registered goalies within the Shooters 3 on 3 program and in the same division.
(f) Teams that have 6 or less skaters are allowed to pull players from other teams to ensure they have a maximum of 9 skaters per game. Coaches are encouraged to recruit players with similar talents to the players that are away if at all possible. If you require players to meet the minimum to allow a game they MUST be registered in the Shooters 3 on 3 program. Please no stacking of your team.
Rules of Play
(a) All games will be NON CONTACT.
(b) All games will consist of a 5-minute warm up followed by a 55 minute running time period. If both coaches agree the game time can be adjusted for a longer warm up period.
(c) Face-offs will occur only at the beginning of the game or in case of coincidental penalties (see Minor Penalties).
(d) When play is stopped due to the goalie controlling the puck, a whistle will signal the attacking players to vacate the zone (outside the ringette line). Once all the attackers have exited the zone at the same time, the players may re-enter to resume play immediately (same as a delayed off side). They may not challenge the opposition until they have all exited the zone (outside the ringette line). Attacking prematurely may result in a penalty for the offending player.
(e) Tag up Rule on each goal – All players must simultaneously tag up (come on their defensive side of the redline) to the center red line after each goal is scored. This will allow the team that was scored on the opportunity to break out of their zone. Attacking prematurely may result in a penalty for the offending team. The team with puck possession shall not be allowed to make a two- line pass until such time as the defensive team has tagged up on their defensive side of redline
(f) There is no centre ice (red) line, and therefore no icing calls. Teams must leave the puck where it is when the Buzzer goes with no shooting or passing of the puck after the buzzer sounds. Teams will be warned once regarding icing the puck at the horn and continued, infractions will result in a penalty shot for the opposing team
(g) All offside plays at the blue line will be deemed delayed offside and the referee will call for the offending players to release the puck and exit the zone. The team going offside must immediately give possession of puck to the other team. Once all the offending players have exited the zone together, they may re-enter the offensive zone.
(h) The goalies shall not cover the puck at the sound of the horn / line change – a penalty shot maybe assessed for this infraction
(I) The goalie cannot freeze the puck behind the goal line – they must keep the play in motion.
(j) If the puck hits the mesh (above the glass) and remains in play it remains live…play on. If the puck leaves the ice surface one of the coaches can immediately throw a puck on the ice to resume play. No face-offs.
(a) Player shifts will be managed by the volunteer on the bench. Players are expected to get equal playing time (as closely as possible). Players will naturally rotate through playing partners.
(b) A whistle or horn will sound every 57 seconds as is described in the clock set up at each rink to signal a line change. All players on the ice at the time of the horn sounding must change.
(c) Players entering on to ice to begin their shift MUST enter the ice from the door closest to their goal net. Players entering the bench after their shift is over must enter the door closest to center ice line.
5-4-3-2 Rule
(a) In the event that one team attains a 5 goal advantage (i.e. 8-3) the disadvantaged team can add a 4th player to the ice on the very next shift. The team can keep an additional skater on the ice until the goal differential gets down to a 2 goal differential (for example: 8 – 6). The 4th player can stay on the ice until the shift is over in which the goal was scored to get to the 2 goal differential. The next shift will be played with 3 on 3 again. Repeat as needed.
Minor Penalties
(a) All penalties will result in an immediate penalty shot for the offended player. The referee will place the puck on the centre faceoff spot and the remaining players will line up at the backside blue line. Both feet must be BEHIND the blue line. All players must be stopped (not in motion) behind the blue line on a penalty shot.
Play will commence on the referee’s command and the shift resumes as normal. If the offended player is injured and unable to perform the breakaway, the coach will assign one (1) player from the ice to replace that player. If the buzzer is to sound during the course of a penalty shot, the play shall continue and the goal will stand if scored.
Upon the penalty infraction the referee will blow whistle immediately as there are no delayed penalties. The scorekeeper will stop the time clock immediately on the whistle indicating a penalty has been called. The scorekeeper will start the clock only after the shot or deke is taken on the penalty shot.
(b) Coincidental penalties shall result in a faceoff at centre ice and no penalty shots will occur.
(c) Any player having been assessed three (3) minor penalties in the same game will be automatically ejected from that game.
(d) If a player is ejected from a second game due to penalties – the volunteer on the bench will discuss the situation with the parents and the player and provide a warning of further suspensions if another game ejection occurs ( the 3rd game ejection will result in a minimum 3 game additional suspension, in addition to the game played ). A third ejection will result in a disciplinary hearing with the directors for further suspension or possible expulsion from the league.
(e) Body checking penalties will be deemed as two (2) offences. Two (2) body checking penalties in the same game will result in the immediate ejection from that game plus a further game misconduct.
Major Penalties
(a) Major penalties as defined by Hockey Alberta will result in the immediate ejection of the offending player(s) and suspension pending further review by the directors.
(b) Fighting majors will result in the penalized players being expelled from the league indefinitely pending further review by the directors.